Katharina Naumann

I am working in the research group Research Methods and Mathematical Psychology in the Department of Psychology, University of Tuebingen. My dissertation is about cross-modal matching in the light of Luce's psychophysical theory. My research interests are psychophysics, measurement theory, and Bayesian cognitive modeling.


Conferences and invited tutorials

Naumann, K. & Heller, J. (2024). Cross-Modal Matching and Internal References. Poster presented at the European Mathematical Psychology Group Meeting 2024 , September 04-06, Aberdeen, Scottland. [pdf]

Naumann, K. & Heller, J. (2024). Cross-Modal Matching and Internal References. Poster presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception, August 25-29, Aberdeen, Scottland. [pdf]

Naumann, K. & Heller, J. (2024). Cross-Modal Matching and Internal References. Talk given at the TeaP (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen; Conference of Experimental Psychologists), March 18-20, Regensburg, Germany.

Naumann, K. & Heller, J. (2023). Cross-Modal Matching and Internal References. Poster presented at the MathPsych / ICCM / EMPG, July 18-21, Amsterdam, Netherlands. [pdf]

Naumann, K. & Heller, J. (2022). Cross-Modal Matching Experiment and Internal References. Poster presented at the Workshop: Promoting Transparency and Replicability in Research, September 19-22, Tübingen, Germany. [pdf]

Naumann, K. & Losert, M. (2019). Programming in R and Shiny. Workshop at the Erasmus+ Project: Tools for Teaching Quantitative Thinking, March 25 to 30, Balatonföldvär, Hungary. [tquant.eu]

Wickelmaier, F. & Naumann, K. (2017). Programming in R and Shiny. Workshop at the Erasmus+ Project: Tools for Teaching Quantitative Thinking, March 26 to April 2, Graz, Austria.

Paper published in refereed journals

Umbach, N., Naumann, K., Brandt, H., & Kelava, A. (2017). Fitting Nonlinear Structural Equation Models in R with Package nlsem. Journal of Statistical Software, 77(7), 1-20. doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i07


Naumann, K. (2015). Implementation of the structural equation mixture model approach for nonnormally distributed latent predictor variables in R. Diploma thesis, University of Tuebingen, Germany.


  • Diploma in Psychology [Dipl.-Psych.], 2015, University of Tuebingen
  • Erasmus Intensive Program: A Quantitative Approach to Psychological Processes, March 29 to April 9, 2014, University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Erasmus Intensive Program: A Quantitative Approach to Psychological Processes, March 13-24, 2013, University of Oulu, Finland
  • Semester abroad, 2011, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand


  • Seminar: Advanced research methods [Vertiefung Forschungsmethodik] (2024)
  • Lab course: Experimental psychology [Experimentalpsychologisches Praktikum 2] (fall 2019/20, 2020/21)
  • Lab course: Experimental psychology [Experimentalpsychologisches Praktikum 1 / Praktikum Datenerhebung und Auswertung] (spring 2023, 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015)
  • Lab course: Psychological observation [Praktikum Beobachtung] (fall 2024/25, 2018/19, 2016/17)
  • Tutorial: Methods in education research and psychology [Methoden der Empirischen Bildungsforschung und Pädagogischen Psychologie] (fall 2014/15)
  • Tutorial: Multivariate statistics [Methoden der Intervention und Evaluation] (fall 2013/14)
  • Tutorial: Psychometrics [Psychometrie] (spring 2013)
  • Tutorial: Research methods in Psychology [Forschungsmethoden der Psychologie] (fall 2012/13, fall 2013/14)


  • Experiment about iconic memory [zip] (files: python/psychopy code [py], R code for creating session files [R], powersimulation [R]).
  • R Shiny app for visualizing, simulating and estimating the time-window of integration (TWIN, Colonius & Diederich, 2004) model. See older version on TquanT, and development version on GitHub.
  • R Shiny app on identifiability of the basic local independence model (BLIM, Heller, 2017). See on TquanT.
  • R package nlsem for fitting nonlinear structural equation mixture models. See on CRAN.
+49 (0)7071 29-78340
Room 4.536
Schleichstr. 4, 72076 Tübingen
by appointment