.. _achrolab_experiments: How to Use in Experiments ========================= We now want to use the colors we defined when calibrating our booth (See :doc:`tutorial`). We use `psychopy `_ to present our stimuli. Of course, there might be other choices. But all the monitor measurements of achrolab are based on psychopy or more precisely on `psychopy.visual.GratingStim `_. First, you might want to tell python where it can find the package *achrolab*. >>> import sys >>> sys.path.append("/achrolabutils/achrolab") Second, import visual from psychopy. >>> from psychopy import visual Then, you want to import your calibrated and saved colors. >>> from colortable import ColorTable Next, we need a tubes object, so we can make adjustments to the tubes. >>> from tubes import Tubes >>> tub = Tubes() Then, we actually load the color table with our stored configurations. >>> color_table = ColorTable("./calibdata/color_table_20110204_1108.pkl") We select a certain illumination for our experiment. These illuminations are usually high since we always want the illumination of the booth to be a lot higher than the stimuli we present. We want to present stimuli in an illuminated room so they appear to be surface colors. If we wanted them to appear self-luminant we would present them in a completely dark room. We can load a certain color entry from our color table and then define the background of our monitor and set the tubes accordingly. The background variable can be given to `psychopy.visual.GratingStim `_. >>> color_entry = color_table.color_list[165] >>> bg = color_entry.grating_stim_value >>> tubes.setVoltages(color_entry.voltages) Then we choose the colors for our stimuli, for example 10 stimuli. >>> col_exp = [x.grating_stim_value for x in color_table.color_list[99:109]]