.. _achrolab_contribute: Contributing to `achrolab` ========================== `achrolab` is free software. You are free to modify the software under the terms of the license that is distributed with `achrolab`. We welcome developers that want to contribute to `achrolab`. If you want to contribute to this module, here are some guidelines to make it as smooth as possible. You might want to check out our :ref:`lab conventions ` as well. How *achrolab* Interacts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. figure:: figs/modules.png :align: center Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run-Time ++++++++ * `Python `_ (2.7+ <3) * `Psychopy `_ (1.70+) * `Numpy `_ (1.6.2+) * `Scipy `_ (0.10.1+) Documentation +++++++++++++ * sphinx (1.1+) * make Testing +++++++ * py.test Conventions ~~~~~~~~~~~ Python ++++++ We follow the `Style Guide for Python Code `_ for more details see :ref:`lab conventions for Python `. Git and Github ++++++++++++++ The source code is hosted on https://github.com/derNarr/achrolabutils and the projects website can be found via http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/psychologie/meth/colorlab. For a very short introduction into git and our git conventions see :ref:`lab conventions for git `.